Hire a Private Personal Trainer for Effective Results
You exercise faithfully, but the weight does not budge. Your class reunion is drawing nearer. Maybe the time has come to hire a private personal trainer.
You would play the piano better with a private teacher. In the same fashion, you would also garner better fitness results with a personal trainer. So says Franklin Antoian, president and head trainer at iBodyFit. Franklin tells me that the cost of a personal trainer can range from $25 per hour in some rural areas to in excess of $100 an hour in populated cities. The cost increases if the personal trainer goes into the home, as that generally involves travel time and possible equipment transport. Results naturally vary depending upon frequency, adherence and predisposed genetics. Is it worth it to hire a private personal trainer? Here are ten good reasons why it probably is.
1. Upcoming milestone event: Peter Anthony, owner/operator of Peter Anthony Fitness in New York realizes that personal training is a luxury for many people. It is always a great investment, however, for those who have a specific goal or purpose in mind such as a wedding or a class reunion. Results can be obtained more quickly with a trainer.
2. Enhanced Appearance: Kristina Marchitto has worked with Peter for almost a year and tells me her results are astounding due to his guidance. She is happier with her body now at 39 than she has ever been, and she attributes that to personal training.
3. Increased Accountability: Rebecca Kotsimpulos realizes that the biggest reason she's gone from size 18 to 12 is accountability to her personal trainer. The trainer asks her to keep a food journal, and then reviews it once a week. Just knowing it will be read frequently gives Rebecca the willpower to resist temptation.
4. Comfort Zone Push: Reflecting on whether she could keep up the workout intensity on her own, Rebecca says, "I don't think I could ever be as 'mean' to myself as the trainer, pushing past the point where I would just stop if I were working out on my own. This has helped me lose 25 pounds."
5. Efficient Use of Time: Adam Reid, personal trainer for Back2Health in Massachusetts says, "Most people don't know how to appropriately work out. As a result, they waste precious time and energy without obtaining results."
6. Individualization: As a trainer, Adam is cognizant of each patron's budget and time constraints. He develops programs that suit individual needs. A trainer demonstrates a technique and subsequently analyzes a client's execution. The trainer's encouragement factors in greatly.
7. Improved Strength: Adam focuses on strength training workouts since the body's defense against a high intensity workout is to build muscle. Twenty-minute sessions 2 to 3 times a week is all it should take. Athletic participation is enhanced.
8. Trainer's Knowledge: Foremost, a client needs to trust in the program and have a good rapport with the personal trainer. Franklin advises finding a trainer certified from one of the top three accreditations-ACE (American Council on Exercise), ASCM (American College of Sports Medicine) or NASM (National Strength and Conditioning Association). A trainer's know-how is irreplaceable.
9. Safety and Health: Personal trainers are educated regarding prudent ways to exercise. This transfers into safety for clients. Health issues such as high blood pressure will be monitored and supported.
10. Faster Fitness Goals: Fresh new routines, experience, motivation and fun attribute to the quick results that can be attained with a personal trainer. This, of course, is all dependent upon following your private trainer's advice.
Sources: SARMS 101 Authour: http://101sarms.com/